MRAS Notifications Data Dictionary

Element Definitions
Element Definition
MRAS_XPR_Notifications MRAS XPR Notifications group. Contains one or more XPR notifications.
MRAS_Change_Notifications MRAS Change Notifications group. Contains one or more Change notifications.
MRAS_XPR_Notification MRAS XPR Notification wrapper. Contains information about a transaction from an MRAS-participating jurisdiction.
MRAS_Change_Notification MRAS Change Notification wrapper. Contains information about a transaction from an MRAS-participating jurisdiction.
XPRs XPRs. Contains a list of XPR elements.
XPR XPR information. Specifies XPR details within a change notification.
notification_batch_id Notification Batch Identifier. Optional; used to uniquely identify a notification batch pulled or pushed from MRAS to a jurisdiction.
former_entity Former Entity. Optional; used for Change notifications when the entity jurisdiction and entity number changes as a result of a 'continuance in' event. Contains one former_jurisdiction and one former_HJ_number.
former_jurisdiction Former Jurisdiction. Indicates the former jurisdiction for the former entity.
former_HJ_number Former Home Jurisdiction Number. Indicates the former home jurisdiction entity number for the former entity.
profile_payload Profile Payload. Used for Change notifications. Placeholder for the profile data; this is well-formed in order to accept all jurisdictions' instance data.
components_changed Components Changed. Used for Change notifications. Contains one or more component_changed elements.
component_changed Component Changed. Indicates the character of the notification.
predecessor_info Predecessor Information. Used to indicate the list of entities forming the amalgamated entity. Contains one or more amalgamation_entity elements.
predecessor_entity Predecessor Entity. Used to indicate entity numbers part of the amalgamation. Contains one source_entity (and an optional target_entity_id populated by MRAS when a matching XPR ID is found).
target_entity_id Target Entity ID. Populated by MRAS for an XP juri when a matching XPR ID is found for the corresponding Home juri ID.
Simple Type Definitions
Simple Type Definition
xpractions XPR actions. Specifies the type of action to take for the given XPR information. Default action is "new_link".
event_types Event Types. Event driving the change notification. Used for source_event (required) and target_event (populated by MRAS) attributes on change notifications.
transaction_timestamp Transaction Timestamp. xs:dateTime (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
effective_timestamp Effective Timestamp. xs:dateTime (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
notifying_juri Notifying Jurisdiction. Required.
home_juri_id Home Jurisdiction Code. Two letter code representing the jurisdiction. Required.
profile_id Jurisdiction Profile Identifier. Used for Change notifications. Distinguish source and target profile IDs since the notifying jurisdiction could be either home or XP.
home_profile_id Home Jurisdiction Profile Identifier. Used for XPR notifications. Required.
target_profile_id Target (notifying) Jurisdiction Profile Identifier. Used for XPR notifications. Required.
notification_id Notification Identifier. Used by the MRAS service to identify notifications.
source_type Source Type. Used by the MRAS service to identify the source (sender) of the notification.
notification_batch_id Notification Batch Identifier. Used by the MRAS service to identify notification batches.
entity_name Entity Name. Indicates the name of the entity being XPR'd. Required.